This weekend sees the start of the RSPB Big Birdwatch. If you have anytime between the 27th – 29th January to get involved, the RSPB would really appreciate your support.
Not only will you get chance to spend time in your own outdoor space, but you will also get to see the wonder of nature right on your doorstep – how relaxing is that?
If you are free for an hour on Friday 27th, Saturday 28th or Sunday 29th then the RSPB need your help! Their website has all the details you need and the form to register.
Here is what you have to do.
1) Log onto the RSPB website and sign up for FREE.
2) Choose a day that is suitable for you and find a space either in your garden (weather permitting), or in an outdoor shed, greenhouse, summerhouse. If you do decide to stay outside to count, then find an area where you won’t disturb the birds from landing. Alternatively find an area in your house so that you can see the whole of your garden.
3) Get yourself a notepad and pen, or use your phone to take pictures.
4) Count all the birds that land in your garden, and using the ID guide provided by the RSPB make a note of the species of the bird(s) that land in your garden.
5) Log your results with the RSPB by the 19th Feb.
Attracting birds to your garden.
There are many ways that you can attract birds to your garden, take a look at our quick tips:
1) Bird feeding station, either hanging from trees, fences or in a bird house. (Make sure that feeders are cleaned as disease can spread and kill birds.) Food should be left in areas that are quiet, safe and covered.
2) Bird bath of water, make sure it is kept full. Pour warm water onto icy water so that they can still bath and drink.
3) Give birds somewhere to nest. Either a bird house (made or brought) or plant lots of trees. Birds love conifers and evergreens that they can bury themselves into.
With a little help from all of us, we can save nature.